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Get The Best Lubrication with Moly Spray

Moly Spray

Moly Spray

The ultimate lubrication experience awaits with Molybdenum Disulfide coating. It will be the perfect lubricating agent you always wanted. Dry moly spray contains over 70% of Molybdenum Disulfide. Thanks to the properties of the element, this spray can form an excellent layer of coating over any substance. Read the article till the end, if you want to know more about this magnificent lubricating spray.

What is Moly Spray?

This is a dry lubricating spray that is made up of Molybdenum Disulfide. Molybdenum Disulfide has a layered structure with weak van der walls force acting between them. Due to this unique sheet-like structure, this element shows excellent lubricating properties. Not only that, being a dry lubricant, Moly Spray can lubricate any substrate in a wide temperature range. Be it in a negative temperature or an extremely high temperature like 200 degrees centigrade, Moly spraying will work perfectly fine.

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This lubricant is known to work even in high pressures. You can even reach those hard to reach surfaces that you used to struggle to reach with this spray. It has superior corrosion resistance along with chemical stability. For the diamagnetic properties of Molybdenum Disulfide, Moly spray can also work as a conductor of electricity. It offers lubricity and chemical stability up to 350 degrees centigrade even in oxidising environments.

Now, this dry lubricating agent is very customer friendly. It can extend the lifetime of your equipment. Why? Because using this lubricant will reduce the friction of your to a great extent. Moreover, this spray also prevents certain problems like galling, pick up and seizure. You can even use thisspray in a vacuum environment as it does not need water to show lubricity.

Because of its numerous benefits, this spray has lots of applications. Even other than industrial uses, you can use this lubricant around your house. It will make any joints or bearings of your housework better than before. They are also used in aircraft engines or any kind of engine. It is worth mentioning that this spray will truly satisfy you. You will not be disappointed if you use this dry lubrication spray.

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