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Keyboard Drawer - A Simple Cost Effective Ergonomic Improvement to Increase Productivity

Do you feel tired and sore wrist when you work on computer? Then, you may be at a risk of developing arm pain and carpel syndrome. The recommended height of a desk is 29.3 inches from the ground. Nevertheless, the office tables are built with multi-drawer filing cabinets which will result in in appropriate desk height standards. When your height is not suitable to the height of the desk, you need to adapt your body posture to reach the height of the desk.

keyboard drawer

Keyboard Drawer

To reach the desk either you may have to shrug or lean forward by putting pressure on your forearms or stretch your hands and extend your wrists to type on the keyboard.  A good ergonomically designed chair may help you to some extent, but it will not help you fully as you cannot lean back to support your back on the chair. A chair will not help you change your posture, instead it is your hands and eyes when paced properly will help you maintain good body posture.

How a Keyboard Drawer Benefit You?   

With an adjustable keyboard tray, you can make any desk accommodate everyone.  You pull or lower tray to allow you to sit comfortably supporting your back in the chair. However, before you purchase a keyboard tray for your desk, remember not all tools are created equal. There are many keyboard trays acts as a drawer but they lac adjustment. You cannot increase or decrease the height of it. So all ergonomic keyboard trays are not really ergonomic.

A good ergonomically designed keyboard drawer will provide flexibility and adjustment based on your height and body posture. It features negative-tilt that helps you keep your wrists in a neutral position and provides good palm support. Moreover you can adjust the tray where it does not hit your knees. A good keyboard drawer will allow you to hands-in-lap position and sit back supporting your back into the backrest of the chair relaxed.  This is the best cost-effective way for a simple ergonomic improvement for your workspace.

Some of the points to consider while you purchase a keyboard drawer or tray

Adjustable height – Adjustable height is the most important feature to check while you purchase a keyboard tray. You must consider the desk and chair height and the distance between the knee and chair and your arm length

Keyboard tilt – It should feature tilt and angle and have negative tilt capability. The keyboard tray should be declinable to negative angle i.e. the ability to recline downwards to make typing easy and comfortable
Adjustment mechanism - To enjoy the benefits of good ergonomic keyboard drawer, all you need is to check online to find good suppliers

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